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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I add event calendar links in my emails?Inserting event calendar links into an email
How do I A/B test?A/B and Split testing in Journey Manager
I'm not receiving test emails?What to do if you've tested your emails but not received anything
How do I create a pre-header?
What is a hard/soft/spam bounce?What are the types of bounces, and what do they mean?
What do the status codes mean?
How do I use the text cleaner?
Can I insert a video in an email?
How do I mass unsubscribe a marketing list?Unsubscribing a marketing list
What is throttling?
What is the difference between opens and unique opens?
What is the difference between clicks and unique clicks?The difference between email clicks and unique clicks
Can I transfer email snippets to use in a microsite?