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Salesforce Integration

These steps are for configuring your Salesforce account to integrate with Force24

Emma Dixon avatar
Written by Emma Dixon
Updated over 4 years ago

To get started on your Salesforce integration, we will need;

• User credentials with read and write permissions to authenticate

• An API Key and API Secret

• A list of Objects (such as lead, contact) and a list of fields under those objects that will be used for marketing.

How do I source my API Key and API Secret?

The steps below are for Salesforce Classic. Settings are similar for Lightning Experience.

• Log into the Salesforce account as an administrator

• click Setup in the top right

• from the side menu down the left, go to App Setup > Create >Apps.

• from the Connected Apps table click the New button

Basic Information

Connected App Name: enter a name for your application (Can be anything)

API Name: this will default to the same value as your Connected App Name

Contact Email: your email address

API (Enable OAuth Settings)
Tick the Enable OAuth Settings box to display further options.

Callback URL: you must add 2 callback URLs.

These URLs are:

Selected OAuth Scopes: you must add the following 2 Scopes to enable Force24 to use your App:

• Full access (full)

• Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)

The OAuth settings should look like this:

After saving your App, make a note of your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

How do I find the API objects and names?

As part of the requirement, we will need a list of objects and API field names in order to build out your integration. There will be a list of standard fields, and also custom fields related to your own instance of the platform. To find these fields does differ per your instance of SalesForce, however in the most part you can find then by;

  1. Clicking on your user profile

  2. Select Setup from the drop down

  3. Select customize on the left hand nav underneath App Setup

  4. A list of objects will now appear, clicking on contacts will bring another dropdown - from here select fields.

  5. You will now see both the field label and the field name, please provide this information to F24 as a list or within the briefing document.

For a more detailed explanation please visit SalesForce help.

What fields should I provide?

We don't want a copy and paste of your CRM, we want to ensure we are only taking fields that will help power your marketing.

For example, typical SalesForce objects would be Contacts, Leads and Accounts. Underneath each object is then a related field, for example with Contacts you may find:

  • Email

  • Name

  • HasOptedOutOfEmail

  • LastModifiedBy

a bespoke field then looks like;

  • F24_Activity_Link__c

  • F24_Lead_Score__c

Under account, you may find;

  • Account Name

  • Account Owner

Bespoke fields may be;

  • Account_Status__c

  • Contract_end_date__c

If you require further help, your onboarding team will be on hand to assist.

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